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Keppra Rage

Mon, 06/18/2007 - 15:29
I was wondering if anyone else has had terrible aggression, frustration, irritability and rage on Keppra? I am 30 and was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago. I've tried Carbatrol (which made me a slow, forgetful idiot) and Topamax which I loved, but didn't work for me even on the highest dose, I still had tonic-clonic seizures. Now I'm on Keppra and have become a different person due to mood swings, irritability, crying fits, rage and aggression. I hate life like this. I don't want to give up on this so easily (I've only been taking it for 6 weeks) but cannot live being angry all the time. I know the types of medications that are left for me are limited, since my husband and I do hope to get pregnant one of these days. I do not want to get on anti-depressants. I have been taking 300-400 mg of B6 a day thanks to a suggestion on this site, and it definitely helps. But if I forget to take it - I turn back into a monster again. Anyone else? Any hopes for a different medication, or should I just stick it out?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by renee6 on Sun, 2007-09-02 - 19:53
renee6 I never thought that the 1500 mg. of Keppra I have been taking (per day) could be having the effects that are described here. Maybe I should have. I do get very angry on a very regular basis, and have almost always attributed it to the stress of not having a job, not having any income, and (of course) constantly worrying about the epilepsy. Hmmm? I started taking Lamictal in March 2006, and I started (on a much smaller dosage than now) of Keppra of October 2006. Now I am in the process of getting off both of these meds because I can no longer afford them (very minimal insurance). I guess I will have to ask more questions of my Neurologist. Very quickly.

Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by jsustik on Wed, 2007-06-27 - 16:17
jsustik Ive been on keppra since last year and the first 2 weeks I felt like I was stoned.The Dr lowered my dose and I had to go down to a fourth and build up because of a low tolerance to meds.The only bad effect I have now is a sudden loss of hair.I have found that B 12 helps with my moods.All of the drugs alter your moods.The only thing that seems to help at all is the B12.

Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by lejeunelinkslady on Thu, 2007-06-28 - 09:52
How about neurontin? I was on Keppra last summer and my family almost killed me! I was so mean to them. I had screaming fits over the smallest thing and I used words I didn't even realize were in my vocabulary. I ruined a perfect vacation to the beach because of my uncontrolable anger. I also suffered from the most excruciating headache that lasted nearly one month. At first my neuro thought i was exaggerating about my symptoms, especially my headache, but then when my husband drove me there curled up in the fetal position when the Dr. wouldn't return my calls, he finally listened. It turned out I had a very bad reaction and the lining of my brain was actually swelling! Keppra is great for some....not so much for others. I got a new neurolgist and some new medicine. I love neurontin. It has had the exact opposite effect of Keppra. I am so nice now and I hardly ever have headaches or any other pain. I think neurontin is pretty safe, so this may be a good option for you. Best wishes and God Bless

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