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Keppra Rage

Mon, 06/18/2007 - 15:29
I was wondering if anyone else has had terrible aggression, frustration, irritability and rage on Keppra? I am 30 and was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago. I've tried Carbatrol (which made me a slow, forgetful idiot) and Topamax which I loved, but didn't work for me even on the highest dose, I still had tonic-clonic seizures. Now I'm on Keppra and have become a different person due to mood swings, irritability, crying fits, rage and aggression. I hate life like this. I don't want to give up on this so easily (I've only been taking it for 6 weeks) but cannot live being angry all the time. I know the types of medications that are left for me are limited, since my husband and I do hope to get pregnant one of these days. I do not want to get on anti-depressants. I have been taking 300-400 mg of B6 a day thanks to a suggestion on this site, and it definitely helps. But if I forget to take it - I turn back into a monster again. Anyone else? Any hopes for a different medication, or should I just stick it out?


Re: Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by Laurie_Anne on Mon, 2007-09-03 - 00:41
Hi, just thought I'd chip in with my experience too. Keppra was the worst of all I've tried so far--I'm a fairly even-tempered person, and it made me want to hurt other people and myself! Seriously, I've never felt like that before in my life. I'm on Lamictal now with no seizures, it does make me emotional in a teary way, though that doesn't happen to everyone and I am very sensitive to even small doses of medication. I titrated up to my current dosage and didn't get the rash. So maybe it would be worth trying for you.

Re: Re: Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by Seruzies on Mon, 2007-09-03 - 03:08
I recently started on Lamictal, and was not given any warnings about "the rash". Could you elaborate more on this? Thanks.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by support_caregivers2 on Tue, 2007-09-04 - 20:23
My husband got the "rash" from lamictal. We were warned...but I never was told it would look like bad acne I just expected the rash to look like sun burn or poison ivy or something like that...not really big bad acne. Be careful with the lamictal seruzies

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