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Keppra Rage

Mon, 06/18/2007 - 15:29
I was wondering if anyone else has had terrible aggression, frustration, irritability and rage on Keppra? I am 30 and was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago. I've tried Carbatrol (which made me a slow, forgetful idiot) and Topamax which I loved, but didn't work for me even on the highest dose, I still had tonic-clonic seizures. Now I'm on Keppra and have become a different person due to mood swings, irritability, crying fits, rage and aggression. I hate life like this. I don't want to give up on this so easily (I've only been taking it for 6 weeks) but cannot live being angry all the time. I know the types of medications that are left for me are limited, since my husband and I do hope to get pregnant one of these days. I do not want to get on anti-depressants. I have been taking 300-400 mg of B6 a day thanks to a suggestion on this site, and it definitely helps. But if I forget to take it - I turn back into a monster again. Anyone else? Any hopes for a different medication, or should I just stick it out?


Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by tracott7 on Fri, 2007-08-24 - 16:43
Regarding Keppra AND Aggressive Behavior: My 23 yr. old son who experienced a massive cerebral hemorrhage due to premature birth has seizures, more specifically partial complex, and he began having seizures on a monthly basis about 5 years ago. His neurologist switched him from Tegretol to Keppra and he began having more behavioral problems--tantrums with aggression-- His anger is unpredictable and quite often over unusually small things. Example: We planned on pizza for dinner & I switched to meatloaf, or not wanting to park in disabled spot when we usually do... some really off-the-wall stuff = More emphasis to get his way. His neurologist said the percentage of individuals experiencing aggression was small per drug studies and felt Keppra has kept him seizure-free for over 4 years. Though, quality of life plays a part for all concerned. Does this sound familiar to you or someone you care for? Thanks, Tracie

Re: Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by bex on Mon, 2007-08-27 - 12:24
I'm currently on Topomax, but my neuro is really keen to add some Keppra into the frying pan. When I read these comments it reminds me why I don't want to go down the Keppra road. I've already said no twice and for now we are increasing the Topomax. But if it doesnnt work this time round, she really wants to add something else in and KEPPRAS her drug of choice! Bestwishes all. Bex

Re: Keppra Rage

Submitted by edy_telephone on Mon, 2007-09-03 - 00:28
It's almost five years that I am taking Keppra. In my opinion it all depends on how your body and brain react on the side-effect of Keppra. Some of the side-effects of Keppra include tiredness, weakness, behavioral changes, anxiety, nervousness. What I know is that it can take some time to get use of Keppra and its side effect. And maybe after a while, those side effects will somehow disappear (maybe not 100%) as it happened to me. It may take several months before the best drug and dosage are determine for you. Be patience, try to continue taking Keppra if it helps you to control seizures. Keppra has helped me a lot to have less seizures (only light absences). Edy

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