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Keppra Rage

Mon, 06/18/2007 - 15:29
I was wondering if anyone else has had terrible aggression, frustration, irritability and rage on Keppra? I am 30 and was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago. I've tried Carbatrol (which made me a slow, forgetful idiot) and Topamax which I loved, but didn't work for me even on the highest dose, I still had tonic-clonic seizures. Now I'm on Keppra and have become a different person due to mood swings, irritability, crying fits, rage and aggression. I hate life like this. I don't want to give up on this so easily (I've only been taking it for 6 weeks) but cannot live being angry all the time. I know the types of medications that are left for me are limited, since my husband and I do hope to get pregnant one of these days. I do not want to get on anti-depressants. I have been taking 300-400 mg of B6 a day thanks to a suggestion on this site, and it definitely helps. But if I forget to take it - I turn back into a monster again. Anyone else? Any hopes for a different medication, or should I just stick it out?


Very Upset

Submitted by sistapoetry on Fri, 2007-11-23 - 19:28
I'm actually very upset right now...and I had to think over in the past few months what the heck was bothering me...because I have always been a little bit irritable...and kinda mellow..but I notice that after I take my Keppra..that I get too upset to calm myseelf down..and its very hard to control..In fact the way I try to control it is by going out...I have always had stress in my life...but at this time I feel like I will either beat someone up or throw something in my apartment...I started out on Dilantin from the start...then Depakote..then Topamax for about 7 years..and in the past 6 months, Keppra....I am honestly the last person that needs to be angry..because I do have alot of stress around me and I have other health problems...I don't need to have a stroke or get stomach ulcers because I can't calm myself down...I thought I was going through early menopause and I'm 28 years old....I just don't know what to do...I got off of Topamax because my eyes were being affected and the Doctor feared Glaucoma...The thing is that Topamax made me dumb as rocks...I'm still trying to get mind back after Topamax..I have so much trouble concentrating...As soon as everyone is sleeping I can focus better..but guess what, now at nighttime I can't sleep...There has to be another way

Please be very careful Lisa!

Submitted by whitetigrus on Sun, 2007-11-25 - 11:32
Keppra is not a medicine to be played around with! I've been experiencing aggitation, rage, lose of memory, I can't think right, deep depression, really bad hallucinations, I can't stop crying, depersonalization, thoughts of suicide. My neurologist is on vacation but aparantly my symptoms where seirous enough for my doctor to call me back. He took me off of Keppra yesterday and wants to see me first thing Monday morning! Let me know if this helps! Tracy

Perhaps something in the

Submitted by bernardcwe on Mon, 2007-11-26 - 12:43
Perhaps something in the chart linked in my signature will allow you to achieve full seizure control with a smaller dose of Keppra (or any other AED). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out my chart of alternative epilepsy treatments.

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